Living creatures

If it moves, and floats…


(Pen 709, Drawer 63) Busy bees, floating from flower to flower, making lots of honey.


(Pen 710, Drawer 63) This pen is simply crawling with little beasties.


(Pen 714, Drawer 63) A whole ecosystem – in a pen!


(Pen 716, Drawer 63) Ants form colonies that range in size from a few dozen predatory individuals living in small natural cavities to highly organised colonies which may occupy large territories and consist of millions of individuals. These larger colonies consist mostly of sterile wingless females forming castes of “workers”, “soldiers”, or other specialised groups. Nearly all ant colonies also have some fertile males called “drones” and one or more fertile females called “queens”. The colonies are sometimes described as superorganisms because the ants appear to operate as a unified entity, collectively working together to support the colony.Luckily, this colony is trapped inside the floaty pen!

I ‘heart’ horses

(Pen 718, Drawer 62)

I love horses

(Pen 719, Drawer 62)

Jacob’s Sheep

(Pen 2572, Drawer 62)


(Pen 705, Drawer 62) White rhinos have broad flat lips for grazing and black rhinos have long pointed lips for eating foliage


(Pen 707, Drawer 62) Studies have shown that the average size of a wolf pack’s territory is close to 200 km2. Wolf packs travel constantly in search of prey, covering roughly 9% of their territory per day. These wolves have a territory of approximately 275 x 1890 pixels.


(Pen 708, Drawer 62)

Butterflies (clear)

(Pen 711, Drawer 63) There’s no back panel on this pen, so the colourful butterflies appear to fly through the air.

Don’t feed the bears

(Pen 712, Drawer 62)


(Pen 713, Drawer 62)


(Pen 715, Drawer 63) Spiders are air-breathing chelicerate arthropods that have eight legs, and chelicerae modified into fangs that inject venom. These ones are safely tucked away inside the floaty pen.

I ‘heart’ cows

(Pen 717, Drawer 62)


(Pen 720, Drawer 62)


(Pen 721, Drawer 62)


(Pen 722, Drawer 62)

Love bugs

(Pen 723, Drawer 63) The lovebug, Plecia nearctica, is a member of the family of march flies. It is also known as the honeymoon fly, telephonebug, kissybug or double-headedbug. Upon reaching maturity the lovebug spends almost the entirety of its remaining life copulating with its mate, hence its numerous romantic nicknames. The male and female attach themselves at the rear of the abdomen and remain that way at all times, even in flight. In fact, after mating, the male dies and is dragged around by the female until she lays her eggs.


(Pen 724, Drawer 62)

Glamour cats

(Pen 725, Drawer 62)

Ladybugs (ladybirds)

(Pen 726, Drawer 63) Coccinellidae is a family of beetles, known variously as ladybirds, ladybugs (North America), or lady beetles (preferred by some scientists). Lesser-used names include ladyclock, lady cow, and lady fly.

Yo ‘heart’ chihuahua

(Pen 727, Drawer 62)


(Pen 728, Drawer 62)


(Pen 729, Drawer 62)


(Pen 1044, Drawer 62)

Holy Cow!!!

(Pen 1050, Drawer 56)

Here’s the beef

(Pen 1051, Drawer 62)


(Pen 1416, Drawer 62) Look very carefully, they’re hiding

Jungle scene

(Pen 1548, Drawer 78)


(Pen 1691, Drawer 62) Back to the Cretaceous


(Pen 1692, Drawer 62)


(Pen 1693, Drawer 62) Intellignet, curious, playful, mammals

Ready to Serve

(Pen 1716, Drawer 106) I daren’t tell you what the bull on the right does when he goes over to the cow on the left

Moose Scientific name: Alces Alces

(Pen 2011, Drawer 62) We do love a chocolate Moose

Grizzly Bear

(Pen 2059, Drawer 62) North American Wildlife – up to 8ft, 800 lbs


(Pen 2134, Drawer 62) A cute horsey pen for this horsey charity – look them up and see the good work that they do.

Lions, King of the beasts

(Pen 2180, Drawer 62)

Cows are… Udderly delightful

(Pen 2371, Drawer 62)

Whales Giants of the Deep

(Pen 2372, Drawer 62)


(Pen 2373, Drawer 62)

Bats, The only true flying mammals

(Pen 2374, Drawer 62)

Boston Terrier

(Pen 2420, Drawer 62) Aww, we got this pen in Boston, how cute!


(Pen 2458, Drawer 63)


(Pen 2459, Drawer 62)

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